A Better Divorce

In a traditional divorce, parties rely on lawyers to define their needs and expectations based on the lawyers’ understanding and application of the law.  Even without going to trial, this process is inherently adversarial, lengthy and expensive.

At Stalder Mediation, we will empower you and your spouse or partner to make your own decisions for the terms of your divorce or separation, while also providing guidance about the legal realities and ensuring fairness.  How do we do this?  Our approach focuses on gaining an understanding of each of your needs, priorities and concerns, and then providing you with the information and support necessary to develop effective short and long-term solutions that work best for you and your family.

As the mediator, we will never take sides or impose decisions, but will help you work through each of the topics that need to be resolved in order to facilitate a separation or divorce.  Our process is less costly, quicker and less contentious than the traditional divorce process, and our clients come through satisfied and able to move forward with their lives.

About Sequoia Stalder, Esq.

Sequoia Stalder is a mediator and attorney with over a decade of experience mediating complex and high-conflict cases.  Having mediated over a thousand cases, he has dedicated his career to the non-adversarial resolution of conflict and is a recognized expert in the mediation and conflict management field.  Sequoia’s approach focuses on the interpersonal dimensions of conflict and the key role that communication dynamics and ongoing relationships play in mitigating and resolving disputes.  Central to Sequoia’s work is the use of increased understanding and improved communication as the core of the mediation and facilitation processes.  His approach emphasizes party empowerment and support rather than coercion or threat as the primary drivers of conflict resolution.

With this approach as his backdrop, Sequoia founded Stalder Mediation to help his divorcing clients find effective solutions that will work for them and their families while avoiding the acrimony and expense that accompanies traditional adversarial proceedings. Sequoia also specializes in organizational & workplace conflict management, and provides group facilitation services throughout the tri-state area.

In addition to his private practice, Sequoia regularly lectures and teaches in academic and public settings.  He is an Adjunct Professor of negotiation and mediation at Columbia University’s master’s program in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, as well as at Columbia’s International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution.  Additionally, Sequoia is one of the most sought after mediation trainers in New York State, and his introductory and advanced mediation trainings are certified by the New York Courts to qualify judges, lawyers, therapists and other professionals to serve as court-referred mediators.  Sequoia has trained and counseled thousands of professionals in mediation and conflict management techniques.

Sequoia also holds the positions of Senior Director of Conflict Resolution Services and Senior Director of the Mediation Training Institute at New York Center for Interpersonal Development, a New York State Court-designated Mediation Center.  In these roles, he guides over 50 full-time staff and volunteer mediators and oversees all mediation programs and trainings, with an annual caseload of approximately 850 cases and 2500 case screenings.  Sequoia created and implemented the Richmond County Supreme Court Matrimonial Part Divorce Mediation Program, and continues to oversee this program as part of his work with New York Center.  Sequoia also served as a member of the Mediator Ethics Advisory Committee for the New York State Courts.